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Scream Queen

Theo Court 

The Electric Arcade  |  The Electric Arcade  |  Events and Film


Horror movies, designed to thrill and terrify an audience. leave you clinging to the edge of your seat, and spend nights awake in fear. The end result however is often quite the reverse. Low budgets, poor production, overdramatic scripts and hammy acting result in some of the campest films ever created. Join local drag legend, Fuchsia Von Steel as every month she guides you through a specially curated selection of the very best(?) of the b-movie horror genre. Expect vampires, ghouls and maybe even Satan himself to make an appearance, alongside whatever nudity the film makers could get away with and enough fake blood to give Dracula a very upset stomach. all coupled with a rowdy audience, intense slating of the films by the host, and copious amounts of popcorn

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